What would you do if you had unlimited space and all the money you needed for the job?

Although our property is a far cry from truly unlimited space, 126 acres spreads out enough to make a good start. A good start is more than enough to start people dreaming.

It seems everyone has ideas on what to do with all that space. Some of the ideas are very creative. Some are really good ideas. Some are hysterically funny. Some are so bizarre that they're worth remembering. Some set the stage for greater dreams. Some sound pleasant, peaceful, relaxing, and/or idyllic. We've decided to collect ideas and list them all right here.

If you would like to contribute your own ideas to this list, please email them to jenny@steeds.com.

You will not see your idea credited to your name here, because we haven't credited any names to any ideas (even our own), and that wouldn't be fair to the others.

Back to the farm page or Vicky's home page or Jenny's home page.

This page was last modified on Oct. 17, 2001.